As most politicians are campaigning towards its legalization, cannabis industries are expanding rapidly. Nowadays you will hear various cases of people earning great fortunes through baking edible marijuana. Companies are working day and night to meet the demand. You can now find different cannabis products in the market.
But, top search engines such as Google prohibits cannabis ads on their platform even from states where marijuana is legal. With this, manufacturers have to use different ways to market their products. Despite all that cannabis has gained massive popularity in this decade. There are several ways you can consume CBD and THC. These include vaping, smoking, ingestion, and via the skin.
Let me make this clear first, the content you will get here is in no way related to the endorsement of products. Keep in mind that marijuana is yet to be legalized. But if you are in that state where you can use recreational weed, try these products.
Hemp Oil
This alone is a wide category, you can find multiple marijuana products if not all, containing cannabis oil. This is the CBD oil that provides you with real cannabis effects. However, you can find cannabis oil in various forms. Its versatility is what has made it a popular marijuana product whenever one wants to use weed legally.
This oil has few THC traces meaning that you will not get the ‘high’ effect related to cannabis. For this reason, you can enjoy other effects like relief from nausea, anxiety, and pain without the psychoactive results. Cannabis oil has gained popularity as one of the natural ways to beat epilepsy. You can get health benefits from this product including cancer treatment, fighting insomnia, and several other conditions.

Hemp Skin Care and Beauty Products
As the use of marijuana is becoming a common thing and most states pushing towards it legalization, entrepreneurs and different companies have popped in. They are making sure that everyone can access the elements of CBD regardless of the location. Nowadays even women in a remote area can access and consume marijuana through cannabis skincare and beauty products. Industries dealing with skincare products related to marijuana are growing exponentially. Although the products are not available for suburban women alone. In addition to the advantages we outlined earlier, cannabis still has lots of benefits to offer to you. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that will help in keeping your skin healthy. Some studies indicate that you can use it to get rid of acne. Cannabinoids skincare products are displayed to help in hydration, pain relief, and relaxed feeling.

Hemp Drinks
Sure! You can enjoy cannabis beverages now. Although not that popular when compared with let’s say cannabis skincare products, marijuana beverages are gaining popularity. If you are a weed enthusiast, very soon you will be stocking your home with cannabis drinks. But you remember what? Only if you live in ‘those’ states. You can find cannabis cocktails in some clubs and as the wave is going, very soon, you will get them in your area.

Hemp Chocolates
There is no other great way of getting yourself high than using edibles. Weed in edible is more potency. You are getting the original thing. Think of enjoying your snack while consuming your legal product? Completely amazing. From marijuana chocolate and weed brownie to gummies and pot cookie, you have something to get yourself in the meditation zone. However, take care with gummies, they have landed some companies into legal troubles because of children’s concern.

Cannabis Gummies
Do you want to get high with other sweets apart from consuming weed through chocolates? CBD gummies have gained popularity with the legalization of marijuana. Even though we cannot tell the quantity of CBD in these gummies, they are common in that you can purchase them at gas stations. With this, if your hood in a state where recreational marijuana is legal, you can buy various cannabis gummies from the local dispensary. Whether you are interested in THC or CBD or even both, you can get your gummy.

Cannabis Capsules
Not that sweet compared to gummies and chocolates or refreshing like a beer, you cannot go wrong with hemp capsules if you want to boost your mood at work. This is a good option for people who would rather consume weed as a medicine and not sweetened with other things. Most people in the US prefer taking marijuana in this way.

Cannabis usage is gaining popularity as more states are legalizing it. Nowadays you can enjoy using cannabis without restriction as long as it is legalized in your area. Companies are also getting creative ensuring that you can enjoy CBD consumption in various forms.