Abs can be pumped up in 30 days. True, if you download it correctly. The fact is that the muscles of the press are very hardy in nature and almost do not react with the appearance of cubes for pumping with a large number of repetitions. From such a load, the press becomes hardy, but almost does not increase in volume.
Therefore, if you need to pump up the press cubes as quickly as possible, you need to train it in a power style (7-9 reps per approach). Download every other day and instead of crunching without weight, do the prayer exercise on the block, raise your legs in the hang and twist on the fitball with extra weight.
We offer high intensity ab workout that will build you beautiful six pack relief if you do this workout at least 3 times a week. Stay tuned and be healthy
Many girls, in pursuit of a quick result, tend to “load” themselves as much as possible immediately and use large weights. The logic is clear – more weight, which means the buttocks pump up faster.
This is not true. For a high-quality “pumping” of the priests, you need to choose the weight so that you feel the work of the gluteal muscles, and not the tension of the whole body. By the way, sometimes, trying to pump up the buttocks, girls “by mistake” swing the front surface of the thigh.
If you “swing” too often or too rarely, you will not have a beautiful priest. Frequent workouts are not effective because the rest is as necessary for the muscles as the load, and without it the muscles simply will not grow. About rare training, and so everything is clear. Muscles are weaned from loads, and you will simply “stagnate” – there will be no result.
The ideal training regimen for the buttocks is 2-3 times a week for three approaches. Use our workout and you will see the first results after a month.
In contrast to the prevailing opinion, yoga brings to the norm not only the physical form. Its main goal is to improve the physical, mental and spiritual state, bring them to harmony. Practice is based on this principle: not being able to control your body, a person cannot control his emotions and his life. In the long run, practicing leads the practitioner to inner silence and peace.
To see the specific result of classes, at the initial one should be engaged at least 1 time per week. After 6-8 weeks of regular practice, you can increase the number of workouts up to 2 times a week. The second lesson can already be carried out independently at home. In the future, it is optimal to engage in three times a week. Many yogis practice daily. Regular exercises will teach you to own your own body, develop all muscle groups, increase sensitivity. Yoga helps to gradually lose weight and get fit. However, this result will not be fast.
Also, breathing practices and hatha yoga help get rid of congestion in the body, normalize blood circulation. This returns the skin a healthy color and freshness. We offer a good yoga practice for beginners that will help you to feel your body. Do it once a week and in one week you will be ready for intermediate level.
Although CBD comes from marijuana plant, it does not cause a “high” effect or any form of intoxication. What causes that feeling of intoxication is the cannabinoid compound known as THC.
When it comes to CBD cocktails, there is absolutely something for everyone. In this cookbook, we have compiled a list of our favorite CBD-infused cocktails that you can prepare and enjoy from the comfort of your home. They will impress your guest. All you need to do is follow the recipes. Thank us later!
CBD is now found in everything including cocktails. And when it comes to CBD cocktails, there is something for everyone. In this book, we have carefully selected 15 CBD drinks that you can easily make at the comfort of your zone. They are easy and quick to make and you can enjoy them anytime especially when you feel you need to relax. Try one of these revamped classic cocktails and feel the euphoric effects, or start experimenting with your favorite drinks!
Major League Baseball is excited to announce that the 2020 60-game regular-season will start on July 23 and 24. Needless to say, baseball fans throughout San Francisco are getting excited. Whether you support the Giants or grew up watching the Yankees, this season will be like no other. Not only is regular testing for COVID-19 now required, but the MLB is the first major sports league in the nation to remove natural cannabis, such as powerful CBD cream for pain, from its list of abusive drugs.
According to a recent press release, the best CBD oil and pain creams “will be treated the same as alcohol-related conduct under the Parties’ Joint Treatment Program for Alcohol-Related and Off-Field Violent Conduct, which provides mandatory evaluation, voluntary treatment and the possibility of discipline by a Player’s Club or the Commissioner’s Office in response to certain conduct involving Natural Cannabinoids.” After being evaluated, every ballplayer will receive his own CBD plan. If the guidelines are not followed, the athlete may find himself suspended.
Rather than turning to addicting prescriptions, like sleeping pills, CBD goodies can quickly and safely manage both physical and mental stress. Depression fades away and folks experience a peaceful frame of mind. As a direct result, getting quality sleep becomes a piece of cake, working wonders for your energy level throughout the day. Both concentration and memory skills improve as well.
Perhaps the fun part of trying CBD merchandise is using trial and error to figure out which delivery methods you prefer. Colorful CBD gummies and other edibles are the most popular CBD items on the market. They taste great, but still take a while to take effect in your system. On the other hand, powerful CBD tincture goes to work immediately after just a drop or two under your tongue. Some people prefer to smoke CBD vape oil, while others like to sit in the tub with a soothing CBD bath bomb. There isn’t one best CBD product, as every individual has his or her personal preferences.
Of course, the MLB will test for opioids, fentanyl, cocaine and synthetic THC in its Joint Drug Program. Similar to how the league handles issues with alcohol and violence, a player will not get suspended for using the drugs. Rather, he will now be sent for substance abuse treatment.
That’s not all. Throughout the next two seasons, every entire team and its personnel will also have to attend educational seminars and watch videos on the dangers of opioids, not unlike Nancy Reagan’s D.A.R.E. to Keep Kids Off Drugs videos in the Eighties.
“Players are overwhelmingly in favor of expanding our drug-testing regimen to include opioids and want to take a leadership role in helping to resolve this national epidemic,” Tony Clark, Executive Director of the Major League Baseball Players Association, claimed in a public statement.
Thanks to the top CBD oil and gummy bear edibles on the market, a stressed out athlete in the MLB can now play on his own field of dreams, whether it is at Oracle Park or Yankee Stadium.
CBD has been determined to be a safe treatment option for users by doctors across the globe. CBD gummies are an effective way to ingest CBD daily and manage dosage and potency. While there are not yet a lot of studies that prove efficacy of CBD and mental health conditions, there exists plenty of anecdotal evidence and early signs of scientific evidence in the research that has been completed to date. So how does CBD treat common ailments such as stress? What about anxiety and depression? Does it help with insomnia? How about chronic pain? Let’s dive into some science and research to better understand how JustCBD Gummies can work for your body.
What is Stress?
Stress is a physical response to external stimuli, for example, a deadline at work, a fight with your partner, or running late for a family event. The body’s reaction to stress is called allostasis. Treating stress is usually simply by dealing with the external cause, for example, completing the deadline, making up with your partner, or arriving at the family event and apologizing for being late. Typically, once this action is completed, the stress will dissipate and your body will return to homeostasis. We run into difficulties when we are unable to immediately deal with the stress and it begins to build up.
What Happens In Your Body When You Experience Stress?
When we experience stress, a series of events occur in our endocrine system beginning with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. This is a very complicated way of saying that the hypothalamus, a small region of the brain near the pituitary gland that connects the brain and the endocrine system, sends a signal to the pituitary gland to produce a hormone. This hormone signals the adrenal glands, which are above the kidneys, to increase the production of cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone”. Cortisol levels exist in our bodies throughout the day at varying levels as part of normal functioning. It’s usually highest upon waking and throughout the day it depletes until bedtime. During a period of stress, however, cortisol peaks in order to give us energy to deal with the problem. When we become over-stressed, the cortisol levels do not regulate and this can cause problems throughout the entire body. During an acute stress attack, the following things occur within the body:
Our airway widen in order to allow more oxygen into our lungs
Our heart rate increases so nutrients and oxygen can go faster and deeper into our muscles
Our liver pumps glucose into our bloodstream for a boost of power to our body
Our digestive and immune systems shut down so our body can focus on our muscles and brain instead
Norepinephrine, a stress chemical, is released to stimulate our brain and heighten awareness
Given all of these processes that take place in an acute stress attack, you can see why managing stress is one of the most important things we can do to stay healthy.
How do CBD Gummies Help Relieve Stress?
As we’ve discovered, CBD (cannabidiol) interacts with the endocrine system and the endocannabinoid system. Endocannabinoids bind to cannabinoid receptors, known as CB1 and CB2, throughout the body in the brain, central nervous systems, immune system, and organs. This process helps your body maintain homeostasis and health. Essentially, your endocannabinoid system acts as a safety net to prevent your body from becoming ill as a result of external stressors by regulating the response to fear, stress, and anxiety.
In essence, endocannabinoids are molecules that change the activity of cells when necessary. All of those stress processes mentioned above need to be reversed when the stressor is managed. Meaning, we stop producing stress hormones like cortisol, our heart rate slows and blood pressure returns to normal, and our digestive and immune systems become activated once again. When this is completed, we’ve returned to our homeostasis. When CB1 receptors within the brain and central nervous system are activated, the body experiences a feeling of calm. Keep in mind that this is only specific to CBD, not THC, which can actually increase feelings of anxiety. Ingesting CBD Gummies helps produce the endocannabinoids necessary for our endocannabinoid system to fight off the extra stress within our body. How? Well, in very basic terms, the primary player in stress is the hypothalamus. When the hypothalamus senses cortisol peaks, it sends signals to shut them down. The more frequently we experience peaks, the more cortisol is required to set the alarm off. Basically, the hypothalamus becomes so used to the higher levels of cortisol that it requires even more stress for it to respond. This is what we know as chronic stress. CBD helps the hypothalamus to sense the cortisol. It amplifies the receptors and our body begins the process of shutting down the flight or fight response. This is when we begin to experience that feeling of calm.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety can be easily confused with stress, however it is very much a horse of a different color. Unlike stress, anxiety is a mental health disorder that can be chronic or acute. While stress is often resolved once you complete the activity causing the stress, anxiety lingers regardless of task completion, and the continuing feeling of dread and apprehension remains. In layman’s terms, stress is feeling under pressure, while anxiety is feeling fearful, uneasy, or worried. If you’re removing stressors yet you’re still feeling helpless, chances are you’re suffering from anxiety. Stress and anxiety are treated very differently, however CBD can assist with both and there is burgeoning research that suggests CBD can be very effective against anxiety disorders.
How do CBD Gummies Help Relieve Anxiety?
As a molecule, CBD is very good at binding to neurotransmitter receptors in our brain. Gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, is an amino acid neurotransmitter that is naturally occurring. It is referred to as an inhibitor because it blocks certain brain signals and decreases the activity in our nervous system. That feeling of calm after you deal with a stressor is GABA at work. Like with all chemicals making up our bodies, not everyone is capable of producing the amount needed for a healthy state. Low levels of GABA are present in people with:
seizure disorders
panic disorder
mood disorders, such as depression
Medications like Gabapenton and Pregabalin are classified as GABA Analogs because they increase communication with the GABA neurotransmitters to decrease the fight or flight processes in our bodies. When suffering from anxiety, your body is experiencing continuous stimuli through the hormones and signals being communicated throughout your body. CBD binds to these receptors and acts as an off switch so that your body can begin to return to its natural state. Enjoying CBD gummies on a regular basis will increase the level of cannabinoids in your system, which in turn, can help ease anxiety. As mentioned previously, if you are taking medication, please consult with your physician first to ensure there are no interactions with CBD. And remember, we don’t yet know enough about CDB to be able to use it as a curative, only a treatment.
What is Pain?
There are two main types of pain that we experience as humans: Nociceptive and neuropathic.
Nociceptive Pain
Nociceptors are little pain receptors located all throughout your body. When they are stimulated by trauma, you experience the physical feeling of pain. The nociceptors signal the damage to your body to your brain and your brain alerts you to injury.. For example, when you step on something sharp, the nociceptors react to the trauma and send signals to your brain that cause you to pull away from the danger and react to the feeling of pain. These receptors are involved in both acute and chronic pain responses
Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic pain occurs when there is a misfiring or miscommunication within your nervous system. It can be the result of nerve damage, spinal cord damage, illness such as Shingles, or even brain damage. Neuropathic pain is often chronic in nature but can be experienced acutely, for example, a cold breeze on your face could elicit a pain response in your system.
Acute Pain
Acute pain is the easiest to diagnose and understand. We experience an event and as a result we experience corresponding pain. Once that area is healed, the pain is gone. For example, while hammering a nail we miss the nail and hit our thumb with the hammer. Once the thumb is healed, we no longer experience pain in our thumb.
Chronic Pain
Pain is classified as chronic when it remains at least six-months after an injury, or if pain exists for at least three-months without a noticeable cause. Chronic pain is insidious and it’s estimated that roughly 50 million adults suffer from chronic pain in the US alone. Chronic pain can be caused by a previous injury, degenerative conditions like arthritis, or nerve damage.
What Happens In Your Body When You Experience Pain?
When we experience pain, we’re actually dealing with an inflammatory response. When an area of our body is injured, our immune system sends blood flow to the area and begins to fight off the perceived threat in a cascade of events to shield the rest of the body from that threat. This is why we experience redness, heat, and swelling when we get hurt. In a healthy body, the body will respond to the threat, and then recognize when it’s over and begin to return to homeostasis by releasing anti-inflammatory compounds to heal and relax the body. There are all sorts of triggers that can cause our bodies to go into the inflammatory response process such as allergies, environmental threats, disease, and even stress. In a healthy body, the brain signals the immune system to begin fighting the threat, and then signals it to stop fighting by releasing the anti-inflammatory molecules beginning the healing process. When our brain no longer knows when to turn off the inflammatory response, that is when we enter the realm of chronic pain and where CBD can really help.
How Do CBD GUMMIES Help Relieve Pain?
People who suffer from chronic pain experience a disconnect between the inflammatory and anti-inflammatory response. CBD molecules are naturally anti-inflammatory and this is why they can help relieve pain.Similar to NSAIDs like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, CBD acts on inhibiting the prostaglandin enzyme that is responsible for making your body more sensitive to certain types of pain. Essentially, prostaglandin makes pain receptors more sensitive and CBD naturally dulls these receptors. There is still a lack of research in the effectiveness of CBD and certain pains, for example, sunburns, however there is a lot of promising science for treating other widespread pain such as arthritis, menstrual cramps, migraines, and nerve pain. One of the greatest benefits of using CBD gummies for pain is that they’re non-addictive and have few, if any, side effects. They are also long-acting so you can manage pain effectively for hours.
What is Nausea?
Nausea can be triggered by many things from illness, poisoning, or even pain. The process of nausea originates in the small region of the brain called the medulla oblongata. The medulla oblongata is responsible for regulating many of our autonomic functions such as breathing, sneezing, and well, vomiting. Vomiting is a safety response built into our bodies to purge our digestive tract of poisonous substances (alcohol or spoiled food, for example), infectious agents like bacteria or viral infections, and sometimes mistakenly from abnormal neurological activity due to conditions like migraines or brain tumors.
How Do CBD Gummies Help Relieve Nausea?
Just like with sleep, CBD can help relieve nausea by also relieving the cause of it. Although it is not as effective in treating nausea as THC, CBD affects the serotonin release on our brain and stops the stimulation of vomit triggers in the brain. Additionally, CBD affects the production of anandamide, the CB1 agonist, that relieves the feelings of nausea and reduces the urge to vomit. CBD blocks the breakdown of the enzyme and allows the body to maintain higher levels of anandamide. CBD gummies can be highly effective for staving off motion sickness or other feelings of nausea that aren’t directly related to direct poisoning or illness like the Flu. If there is only the feeling of nausea, ingesting a CBD gummy will allow you to feel long-lasting relief and go on about your day as planned. If you are actively experiencing vomiting, other methods of ingestion will be more beneficial as you will be unable to allow the CBD gummy to digest fully in order for it to be effective.
What is Sleeplessness?
Sleeplessness, also known as insomnia, is a condition where a person cannot fall asleep, return to sleep, or remain asleep resulting in fatigue, irritability, mood changes, and difficulty concentrating. Most of us will experience insomnia at one point in our lives, however some people suffer from chronic insomnia, meaning disrupted sleeps occur at least three times per week for a minimum of three months.
What Happens In Your Body When You Experience Sleeplessness?
Sleep is influenced by our endocannabinoid system and our internal clock known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN, which is located in the hypothalamus. Signals travel from the SCN and tell the body to produce the hormone melatonin, which is the hormone responsible for making us sleepy. Melatonin production is usually highest after dark, which is why we get drowsy after the sun sets. This process is known as your circadian rhythm. When your circadian rhythm is disrupted, either by time change, medication, or a late night out, we experience that sluggish feeling of jetlag and become more irritable and grumpy. Also involved is our immune system. When we are lacking sleep, our immune system begins to work overtime. With regular sleeplessness, our bodies are more prone to infection, illness, injury (how many times have you run into a doorway after not sleeping well the night before?), and poor mental health.
How do CBD GUMMIES Help Relieve Sleeplessness?
CBD gummies are a wonderful addition to your sleep routine due to their delayed onset and long-lasting nature. Since it takes approximately 90 minutes to two hours for the CBD to take effect, you can pop a gummy in your mouth, brush your teeth, curl up with a good book and relax until you’re ready to sleep, versus taking a sleeping pill which will render you almost immediately impaired. Being non-habit forming and low-risk for side effects, CBD gummies are a great option to treat insomnia and trouble sleeping, especially since they can also treat many underlying conditions that cause sleeplessness as a symptom. Sleeplessness can be caused by a variety of conditions and illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and pain. As we’ve already discovered, CBD is an excellent way to manage these conditions so it makes sense that the relief of these symptoms will also lead to better sleep. There has been a lot of promising research that shows CBD’s ability to help improve sleep for people who suffer from chronic insomnia. Additionally, the overall feeling of relaxation and calm that comes with CBD is a great way to prepare for sleep even if you don’t struggle with sleep. In today’s world with all of the temptation of binge-watching and screen time, we could all use a little help improving our sleep habits. The long-lasting effect of CBD gummies will provide you with ample of time to get what you need to finish completed before settling in for the night and experiencing the relaxing calm for hours.
What Is the Dose of CBD I Need for Sleep?
Dosing with CBD can be tricky because it can affect everyone a little differently. As a general guideline, it’s suggested to take 1-6 mg per every 10 lbs of body weight. For example, if you weigh 100 lbs, you can take 10-60 mg daily. The best way to figure out your ideal dose is to keep a journal to track your symptoms and sleep. Ask yourself, how long did it take me to fall asleep? Did I sleep through the night? How many hours did I sleep? Do I feel refreshed? Tracking these questions over the course of a week or two will allow you to adjust your dosage to get the best sleep. If a journal is too analog for your tastes, download a sleep app that allows you to make personalized notations so you can track your dosage along with your sleep cycle.
Final Thoughts
While not curative, CBD has many healing properties that can help lessen symptoms that are causing distress. As more research is being completed, more effective ways to manage symptoms with CBD will undoubtedly come to light. When exploring CBD Gummies as a treatment option, always remember to look for high-quality shops that offer third-party testing and ingredients lists. Always talk to your doctor to ensure your CBD use won’t affect any medication you’re currently using. Start with a low dose and give it time to work before increasing your dosage. Finally, track your symptoms and see what CBD can do for you.
CBD Tinctures and Health Benefits For Diseases and Disorders
CBD is one of nature’s best kept pharmacies. As we’re rolling into 2020 like a train on fire, the popularity of CBD leaves little wonder. Known for endless benefits including relieving stress, anxiety, and offering pain relief, CBD Tinctures are a great way to experience the benefits of CBD with ease and variety. We know all about these common ailments that CBD can help with, but what about lesser known disabilities and benefits? Can CBD tinctures really help with speech impediments? What about Alzheimers and Dementia? Let’s take a look at what we know so far.
CBD Oil Tincture for Speech and Stutter
While not a life threatening disorder, stuttering and other speech impediments can cause a great deal of emotional and psychological stress to those who suffer from them. Many famous people we know today have experience with stuttering. Popular TV host Steve Harvey, rock singer Noel Gallagher, actor Samuel L. Jackson, and actresses Marilyn Monroe and Nicole Kidman all have stuttering in common. In order to explore how CBD might help with stuttering and speech, let’s dive into what stuttering actually is.
What is Stuttering
Stuttering is a disorder in speech communication. When we speak, we are considered fluent. Interruptions in our speech, such as stuttering, are referred to as disfluencies. There are three main types of disfluencies: Repetitions (c-c-c-cat), prolongations (ssssssock), or blocks (an absence of sound). A person may exhibit a combination of all of these disfluencies as well. People who stutter also tend to have tightened facial muscles and stiffness in the upper body. We don’t know exactly what causes stuttering, however we think it’s linked to the communication center in the brain and there may also be a genetic component to it. There is no cure for stuttering or speech impediments.
How Can CBD Tinctures Help Relieve Stuttering?
With no known specific cause, this leaves plenty of treatment options available. Along with traditional therapies like speech therapy, CBD tinctures can have a deep positive impact on people who suffer from stuttering. Anecdotal evidence has shown that thanks to CBD’s ability to provide a nice full-body calm, people who have stutters find that their decrease in anxiety and stiffness eases their symptoms of stuttering. The spastic nature of stuttering can also be subdued by CBD as the terpenes, naturally occurring compounds in hemp that are responsible for unique aromas and flavors, are responsible for relaxing motorskills. This is partly why CBD is so effective at treating symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). While the spasms induced by stuttering are not the same as those by MS, the principle of how receptors are inhibited by certain cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids remains the same. More research needs to be completed in this field and hopefully as restrictions ease and attitudes change toward CBD and cannabis further treatment options and greater understanding of how CBD can be used to treat disabilities like stutter will be made.
CBD Oil Tincture for Tourette Syndrome and Ticks
Like stuttering, Tourette Syndrome has no cure and can cause deep emotional and psychological scars for those who suffer from it.
What is Tourette Syndrome?
Tourette Syndrome is a type of tic disorder. Tics are defined as involuntary, repetitive movements and vocalizations. Motor tics can be anything from blinking and grimacing to more obvious movements like shrugging or arm jerking. Vocal tics can include sniffing, throat clearing, and grunting to more obvious vocalizations like shouting. The commonly portrayed vocal tic of swearing or shouting vulgar and insensitive slurs only accounts for 10-15% and is often used inappropriately for comedic value, something that is very damaging to those who suffer from the condition. There is no known cause of tic disorders, though research suggests a genetic component.
How can CBD Tincture Help Relieve Tourette Syndrome?
The common treatment for Tourette Syndrome is antipsychotic drugs like Haloperidol or sedatives like Clonidine. These carry serious side effects and symptoms so it’s not a stretch to see why other options for treating tic disorder are being researched. Unlike these drugs, CBD carries very risk in terms of side effects. There is preliminary research that demonstrates that THC, the agent responsible for cannabis’ psychoactive effects, works really well on patients with tic disorders, however THC is still largely illegal in most countries. New research has started being produced on the effects of CBD on Tourette Syndrome and tic disorder and it has had some very promising results. As we know, CBD is an anandamide reuptake inhibitor. To review, this means that CBD inhibits, or stops, the breakdown of anandamide (the chemical in our bodies that make us feel happy or joyful) and therefore increases its levels in our body. In doing this, the anandamide builds up in our brain and can reduce muscle spasms, seizures, and involuntary motor tics. This is also why CBD is known to help reduce anxiety, insomnia, depression, and even aggression in people, all of which can worsen symptoms for someone with tic disorder. Having these symptoms managed leads to better outcomes for patients. Additionally, physical pain that might occur as a result of the involuntary motor tics can also be addressed by CBD tinctures in a quick and efficient manner. Finally, in some cases, there is evidence that CBD administered alongside traditional medications used to treat tic disorder may even increase their efficacy due to the way in which they bind to CB1 and CB2 receptors.
CBD Tinctures For Dementia And Alzheimer’s in the Elderly
We’re facing new challenges when it comes to our aging population. With the Baby Boomers aging and living longer than ever, treating dementia and diseases like Alzheimer’s is essential. Many of us will experience some degree of memory loss as we age, however some people will experience diseases like Alzheimer’s, which posit a real challenge for caretakers and patients alike.
What is Dementia?
Dementia is a broad term given to disorders that affect the brain. Dementia is progressive in nature, meaning that as time goes on, symptoms will worsen. Common symptoms of dementia include memory-loss, cognitive complications like problem-solving or concentrating, and sometimes changes in mood or behavior. Head trauma, diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, and even stroke can cause the onset of dementia.
What is Alzheimer’s?
Alzheimer’s was first identified by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906. He identified what are known as “plaques” and “tangles” which are visible symptoms of the disease. Plaques are basically what they sound like; deposits that prevent signals from being transferred between nerve cells in the brain. This plaque is made up of a protein known as “beta amyloid”, or A-beta. When the signals are no longer able to transfer, the cells begin to die. Tangles are clumps of fiber protein material known as tau ( pronounced taw). In healthy brains, tau is like a highway for nutrients and materials to cross in order to keep the brain alive. In a brain with Alzheimer’s the tau pathways are twisted and tangled (hence its name), meaning the nutrients and materials cannot get across and the brain cells begin to die. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s vary widely but are generally broken down into the following categories: cognitive and functional ability (the ability to understand and complete tasks, make decisions, and remember), mood (becoming withdrawn or apathetic), behavior (physical outburst, repetition of phrases or words, or otherwise uncharacteristic behavior), and physical ability (mobility, loss of coordination). Sadly, Alzheimer’s is a fatal disease with no known cure, however due the varying severity of the disease, some people may be diagnosed with it and live quite well for a time before advanced stages begin.
How Can CBD Tinctures Help Relieve Dementia and Alzheimer’s?
There is still a lot of research to be done in this area, however we do know that CBD is an excellent anti-inflammatory. Recent studies show promising effects of CBD at reducing inflammation in the brain and assisting with the prevention of brain cell death. This could help delay the effects of Alzheimer’s. When the tangles form, inflammation occurs and leads to the death of the cells. CBD acting as an anti-inflammatory could greatly improve quality of life for patients. Scientists have also discovered that when inflammation occurs in the brain, additional oxygen is also released and this impedes memory and leads to deterioration. Reducing brain inflammation is certainly an important component to treatment, and since CBD is an antioxidant, it can help relieve the stress on the brain or even reverse the effects of the oxygen release. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD help with all forms of dementia and can help maintain better brain function without the side effects of most pharmaceutical drugs. In addition to its anti-inflammatory effects, CBD is also great for treating mood disorders and tics, two other common symptoms of dementia, especially diseases like Parkinson’s where tremors are prevalent. There is also research suggesting that certain behaviors like aggression and agitation are reduced in patients who take CBD. The easy nature of taking a CBD tincture is especially useful as patients can have their doses mixed in their daily coffee, juices, food, etc. This is quick and simple without requiring coordination on their part. Additionally, there is no evidence of overdosing on CBD, therefore if patients are initially in charge of their own medication, it is okay if they accidentally take more CBD than required in the event they forget they already took it.
Hope For The Future
With CBD finally becoming legalized in the US and other countries, the ability to research its effects have finally increased tenfold. New and exciting discoveries are being made and research grants and funds are being dedicated in the health field. Various Alzheimer’s and dementia associations, as well as linguistics and childhood development programs are finally able to look into the depths of CBD as a treatment option. While the findings are currently preliminary, there will no doubt be new and exciting discoveries on the near horizon.
CBD has many medical applications for those suffering from illness and disease, but can it be part of a wellness routine too? What are some benefits of CBD tinctures (How to Buy CBD Oil Tinctures) for those of us practicing our ohm? Let’s take a closer look at how CBD can enhance our body and mind wellness connection.
CBD Tinctures and Yoga
I like to think that if you could bottle up yoga, it would be CBD tincture. CBD yoga is a resurgence of an ancient trend that marries the healing effects of yoga with the healing effects of CBD into a perfect package of overall wellness. CBD and yoga share many of the same health benefits including reducing chronic pain, improving sleep, increasing focus, and even promoting muscle recovery.
How Can CBD Enhance Your Yoga Practice?
Adding CBD tincture to your yoga practice can help you achieve deeper relaxation and, as a result, a deeper focus into your meditative state and potentially move you deeper into poses. As we know, CBD is a cannabinoid that binds to endocannabinoid receptors located throughout our bodies and provides many health benefits through this binding effect. Research has shown that stretching, like the way we do when practicing yoga, actually activates endocannabinoids, which can potentially allow greater stimulation from CBD.
In short, when we add CBD to our yoga practice, our bodies are more open to using the CBD in our tissue and fascia. It’s like painting a room with a primer before the color. Everything works much better. Over time, this additional CBD boost can lead to deeper poses, faster recovery, and greater flexibility. Taking the CBD as a tincture is ideal for yoga as it is quick acting so you don’t need to time out your dosing in order to fit with your workout.
The Mind/Body Connection
Practitioners of yoga often attribute their exercise to an increased relaxed state and lower stress levels. Focused breathing, holding poses, and clearing the mind are all tenants of yoga and a CBD tincture can enhance them tenfold. We know CBD improves sleep and aids with relaxation, however, did you know CBD is also an antioxidant? When our bodies are overcome with oxidative stress, an imbalance between the free radicals and antioxidants in our body, CBD can help repair the damage done to the cells affected. How exactly does this work? Let’s break it down a little further.
Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress
Free radicals are molecules that contain oxygen and have an odd number of electrons. This odd number means they can easily react with other molecules in the body as they receive donations of electrons. Because they are capable of making so many reactions, they can cause large scale chemical reactions throughout our bodies. While free radicals are required for certain things like fighting pathogens, too many can pose a real threat to our health. A vital process, oxidation occurs, for example, when our bodies convert food to energy. In short, when we eat food, our body metabolizes the food and converts it to energy. This process releases free radicals, which are normally controlled by various enzymes. However, when too many free radicals are being created or introduced to our bodies through things like pollution, sugar, deep fried food, cigarettes, etc., our bodies can no longer keep up and a process known as oxidative stress occurs. Oxidative stress is responsible for damaging fatty tissue, proteins, and even our DNA. This can lead to conditions like diabetes, hypertension, inflammatory diseases, Alzheimer’s and cancer. Oxidation stress is also responsible for the aging process.
Antioxidants and Oxidation Stress
Now that we understand free radicals, let’s dig into antioxidants. Antioxidants are the antidote to free radicals. These molecules are capable of ending the chain reactions caused by the free radicals by giving up one of their electrons to neutralize them. Interestingly, when this occurs, it converts the antioxidant into a free radical itself and this is why we need to eat foods rich in antioxidants. There are also several enzymes within our bodies that work to neutralize free radicals, most notably vitamin E, C, and beta-carotene. When we have a nutrient-rich diet, we give our bodies a better chance to fight off oxidation stress. Without the addition of antioxidants to our bodies, the free radicals take over and wreak havoc on our system.
What Does Yoga Have To Do With Oxidative Stress?
Now that we’re caught up in the science of oxidative stress we can look at the connection between CBD, yoga, and our bodies. Studies have shown that regular yoga practice not only helps relieve stress, it can also help lower inflammatory markers and prevent diseases that increase inflammation. In other words, yoga can also help with oxidative stress. When you’re physically feeling better, you’re more easily able to handle stress loads and, since CBD is a natural antioxidant, adding the use of a CBD tincture to your yoga routine can further help relieve the oxidative stress occurring in your body and result in a healthier you. It’s important to note that the antioxidants added to foods and supplements are rarely effective. There is little scientific proof that they benefit our bodies at all in that form. CBD, however, is a natural product that is bioavailable and as such, can be readily absorbed into the body and can have a greater impact on free radicals.
The Feeling of Zen
One of the major reasons people gravitate towards yoga is to bring a greater sense of balance and relaxation to their life. Yogis, the trainers leading yoga classes, take great care in creating a calm and safe atmosphere where practitioners can focus, breathe, and meditate throughout their routine. Despite all their best efforts, it can still be challenging to leave everything you enter the studio with outside the door. This is where a dose of CBD tincture can really provide a boost of focus and intention. CBD provides a deep relaxation, a sense of overall well-being, and increases focus thanks to its role in binding to serotonin, anandamide, and dopamine. Being able to truly focus and meditate will not only improve the immediate effects of your yoga workout, it will also contribute to long-term feelings of happiness and serenity as you reach deeper levels of self-awareness and reach your personal yoga goals. For more detailed information on the benefits of CBD for treating pain, stress, anxiety, nausea and aiding sleep, be sure to check out this informative blog post.
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