Before jumping into the discussion of whether CBD oil is beneficial for treating menstrual cramps, let us introduce what CBD is.

CBD – Introduction:

CBD is the abbreviation of Cannabidiol. It is naturally obtained from the hemp plant, which comes under the cannabis family of the plants. There are two important constituents in cannabis (marijuana), CBD, and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Unlike THC, which is the active component in marijuana, CBD is non-psychoactive, making a person relax, and doesn’t get them high.

Moreover, CBD obtained from hemp with as low as 0.3% THC is legal in the United States. So, there are no legal issues to worry about. Just make sure to buy products from authentic brands.

CBD and health benefits:

CBD has many health benefits. World Health Organization (WHO) reported that CBD is beneficial for many medical treatments and is not risky for public health problems. It is used to treat major diseases like seizures, childhood epilepsy, and Lennox-Gas taut syndrome (LGS). CBD is frequently used to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia, chronic pains. Moreover, some studies suggested that it has anti-cancer properties in it. It has powerful inflammation and anxiety-reducing properties.

Some side effects of CBD:

Some usual side effects can be seen while using CBD like nausea, drowsiness and fatigue, irritability, and Gastrointestinal problems. Sometime it may interact with other medications and cause problems like thinning the blood. These types of effects can be reduced by lowering the dosage of the patient. If CBD product is not pure and contains a high THC level, it may cause dry mouth, hunger, and mood spells. So before you buy any product of CBD, make sure it is in the pure form where THC is non-existent.

Products of CBD:

  • FPA approved medicine epidiolex
  • It is present in edibles like chocolates and gummies
  • CBD creams and lotions are available
  • CBD in form oil product is available

CBD Oil for Treating Period Pain:

Millions of women have to deal with period pain. The menstrual cramps are natural, but if the pain becomes unbearable, this is a caution that now is the time to visit your doctor. Menstrual pains are unpleasant. That is why, sometimes, they can be a major hurdle in routine work.

What Types of Pain is experienced?

  • Cramping
  • Lower back pain
  • Headache
  • Lethargy

Why we experience Period Pain?

The pain that occurs during periods is because of the contraction of the uterus muscles. If they contract too much against the blood vessels, they cut off the oxygen to the uterus, which causes pain. This process is trigger by a hormone called prostaglandins. The other reasons for pain can be:

  • Endometriosis is a painful condition in which the tissue similar to uterus tissue grows outside the uterus.
  • Fibroids in the uterus.
  • Adenomyosis is when the tissue grows into the muscular wall of the uterus.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in the sexually transmitted bacteria spreads from your vagina to your uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

CBD Oil and Period Pain:

Now here is the good news! CBD and its supplements work. Now there will be no need to suffer or cancel your plans due to cramps.

How does CBD work?

  • CBD and inflammatory effect

So the best effect CBD provides is by lowering the prostaglandin level that reduces inflammation and provides us with a relaxing effect. The strong anti-inflammatory properties of CBD are proved by research.

  • Relaxation during the period

As we know, CBD’s common effect is reducing anxiety and stress, so when we use it, it causes us to loosen up, which ultimately results in experiencing less pain. Not only that, but scientists also support the anti-anxiolytic benefits of CBD, and that is why CBD is used to manage epileptic patients.

  • Soothe Muscle and abdomen cramping

You can use CBD oil as a pain killer. It can be applied directly to the abdomen to lessen the cramps or be taken internally to soothe muscle contraction.

  • Ease for oxygen-starved tissue

CBD calms the muscle, which is lined with blood vessels hence causing the blood flow to increase. This blood flow eases the oxygen-starved tissues and results in decreased pain.

Some other CBD Products to Relief Period Pain:

  • Chocolate for periods

Chocolate is already known to make you feel less stressed. But when it is combined with CBD, the results are amazing. This CBD chocolate is purely organic. When eaten, it nourishes the body and helps in reducing headaches, anxiety, and cramps.

  • CBD Bath Bombs

It is perfect for calming you during a bath. Just dissolve it in water to make yourself feel relaxed. The bath gives a full-body effect. The warm bath with CBD brings back the strained muscles to normal. It reduces the effect of PMS and hormonal upset.

  • CBD Tampons

The CBD tampons consist of oil that is inserted into the vagina. It lessens the pain and makes you feel good. Please make sure you consult it with your physician before using them.

This lotion is applied to the abdomen to lower the cramps. Massage the painful area with this lotion and enjoy the soothing results.

Hence, using CBD Oil might be a top solution to deal with period pains and cramps, but it is always wise to take your doctor’s word. We hope this blog proves helpful for you to know how the natural menstrual cramps can be tackled in this way and to understand the bewildering health benefits of CBD.